Academy Dashboard Forum Collaboration - Competition Competitions (Mixing, Songwriting, etc.) February Multitrack : Freeware Mixing Challenge

  • This topic has 84 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Arthur Labus.
Viewing 12 posts - 37 through 48 (of 85 total)
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  • #37622
    Chris Sweet

      @kip I think your money is better spent on speakers and maybe some room treatment if you don’t have any. Fab filter is cool but there’s plenty of good plugins that do the job,
      Including the free ones we used here!

      Magnus Johansson

        Kip, twice a year fabfilter have 25% off their bundles. Demo their stuff and if you like them save up for one of those sales. And when and if you have decided, ask here for a 10% voucher code. Any fabfilter user can send you as a new customer a 10% voucher code. Don´t nail me to it but I do think you can use it when they have an ongoing sale.


          thanks magnus ill give it some careful thought


            Chris me and rachel had a long talk last night she hates those mackies more than i do ..any way thought you might find that funny

            Chris Sweet

              Lol nice. I think it’s real cool that you guys are making music together.


                Genelecs and clearing my room out made a huge difference for me. Kinda stung to sell my SSL X-Rack to pay for Genelecs - buuut wouldn't go back.

                ..though that X-Rack was nice for heating the studio in the winter. Bloody freezing in here now!

                Warren Huart

                  Wow! Thanks for that amazing comment Toby!


                    Damn you Toby haha! 😉

                    I will tell you all that I just stumbled on the finish line and couldn't resist to make use of the highpass filters in my DAW in the mixing stage... So my mix don't qualify...Why you ask... its because my cpu usage could not handle the great amount of TDR EQ to get the job done. That drive my crazy. So thats the major lesson for me. Always include a simple EQ that not steal my precious cpu power away. But if anyone is interesting this was my process;

                    So I made one session for each instrument as I normally would do. I just sculpt the sound with the plugins. Its a more of a sound design thing going on. I used the vinyl a lot from iZotope for making the sounds more of a 70´s vibe. Dirty and old... I made use of the Wear slider a lot... I aslo distorted the signal into the plugin sometimes with the input fader. This was a quite common use of the plugin on almost all instruments. I aslo liked the Klanghelm stuff a lot. I used those plugins for controlling booth the dynamic but also for even more distortion. I figure out since there was no limiter, I had to control the dynamics a lot and make use of distortion so I could achieve a nice output level wise on the masterbuss.
                    I used the saturation knob on the drums for a big kick tape kind of sound. For the verb a liked the Protoverb 1.0 from U-he. And I used the presets "Thick butter verb" a lot and "Boomy drum room". I liked those verbs a lot! I also used the TDR Kotelnikov mastering compressor for tighten things up along the way and the TDR dos slick eq for some eq sculpting before the mix stage.

                    So then in the final mixing session I made use of the TDR parallel dynamic eq for controlling the dynamics and eq sculpting on the whole masterbuss and on different channels. And off course I then I made use of the in built highpass filters in Reason 10 after trying to do the job with the TDR dynamic eq. It just did not worked. So I deleted thouse TDR´s and just used the built in highpass filters. I aslo doubled the melody guitar and did the Haas trick for spreading the guitar in a different way than the rest. And offcoures I used the Tempo delay from Voxengo for some separation on different things.

                    So feedback if you want is welcome as always...


                    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Jesper.

                      Like you're mix Kip! I think the bass sits really well with the drums and gtrs! The balance is great! It also has that aggressiveness that suites the song. The only thing i have some difficulty with is that the whole mix is increasing in volume at the end a little bit too much for my taste. Great work!


                        Chris mix is great as always! Sounds clear and nice. Great work Chris!

                        Arthur Labus

                          Posted my rendition as "regular" post in Feedback section. Is this OK ?

                          Next time with free limiter please !


                            Of course! You could always post a link to your regular post here 😉

                            ..limiters are for wimps!

                          Viewing 12 posts - 37 through 48 (of 85 total)
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