Academy Dashboard Forum Studio DAWs Cubase Who's A Cubase User Here?


  • This topic has 57 replies, 31 voices, and was last updated 10 months ago by Shaun Lynch.
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  • #5822

      Hey y'all,

      I am using Cubase 8.5 at this moment, was playing around with a not so legal copy of SX3 for sometime and bought Cubase Artist 7. I upgraded ever since and when 8.0 came out I upgraded to the pro version.




        Been using Cubase for 5 years, I think. Started with a bundled in version, I got with my first Audio Interface a 'Tascam US-144MKII' (still use it as a little demo set up in my living room, recording to Audacity). Tried a few other DAWs, Cubase felt the most intuitive to use.

        Upgraded to Artist, after 3-4 months and finally upgraded to Pro a year and a half ago. Currently using 8.5. Like other posters, I use UAD, some Waves plugins - I'm really impressed and enjoying playing with with iZotope plugins.

        Nathan Kaye

          I'm a Cubase Pro 8 user. Been on Cubase for a few years. Had the occasional hickups every now and then, but customer service in Australia was great!
          I love the channel strip and particularly love Quadrafuzz V2 - multiband saturation really sweetens mixes.

          Those of you using Cubase Pro 8.5 - do you think that the upgrade really worth it from Pro 8?

          Lee Hawkins

            The upgrade is minimal but the cost is a small price to pay. Additional Midi and editing feature plus general upgrades elsewhere (although small). Its probably worth waiting until Cubase 9.0 comes out as that will not be long.


              I had a lot of problems with Cubase 8. Whereas I find 8.5 (.15) to be much more stable etc. So for me the upgrade was worth it, but if your version 8 runs okay, you're probably fine as you are.

              RE Cubase 9, I might wait until the .5 version, I've found them to be more reliable.

              Nathan Kaye

                Yeah. I was thinking of waiting until 9 and figured that it wouldn't be far off.

                Nathan Kaye

                  And thanks for the quick reply guys! I appreciate that heaps! 😀

                  Arthur -

                    started with Cubase on an Atari ST 1040. Dabbled with others, but not long. Running 8.0 Pro. Will upgrade to 8.5 soon.


                    Eric -

                      Like you Arthur, started with Pro 24 on Atari 1040. Now I use Pro 8.5

                      Nathan Kaye

                        I upgraded to Cubase 8.5
                        It's got a few time-saving/convenience features and seems marginally more stable, but I think that 9 will have better updated features.

                        Steve Hoggart

                          Yup I am a Cubase boy made the transition from Pro 24 to Cubase in 1986ish never looked back.

                          I am on Cubase 8.5.

                          All just tools at the end of the day though!

                          Warren Huart

                            I need to go back and check out Cubase, the last time I used it was a LONG time ago when it barely had audio editing capabilities! Have a marvellous time recording and mixing, many thanks Warren

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