Academy Dashboard Forum Studio DAWs Cubase Who's A Cubase User Here?


  • This topic has 57 replies, 31 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Shaun Lynch.
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      Anyone else using Cubase as their primary DAW? Currently running 8.5 here. After over a decade of Pro Tools use I switched primary DAWs a couple of years ago. The studio is in full transition now and Pro Tools isn't even installed on the new studio computer. When it comes to mixing it's either done in Cubase or Studio One between engineers. Just curious who's a Cubase user here and did you take the survey? I think it's great the Steinberg is listening to their customers, it's a welcome change 😉

      Here's a link to the Cubase Customer Feedback Survey if you haven't seen it:

      Lee Hawkins

        Yes I have been a Cubase user since about 1994. I have used Protools for several years but in the past 3-months I have been experimenting with Studio One 3 which is created by the same Steinberg team that created Cubase. There are many similarities and some additional features. I now use both.

        I did see the Steinberg Cubase customer feedback.


          Similar situation here. I used Cubase back in the VST32 days then switched to Pro Tools. I used Pro Tools for well over a decade before switching back. I find working in S1 very familiar as well. I work mostly in Cubase and Daryl works mostly in S1 now. It's nice because they are similar and we can flip between the two when necessary.

          Mario Maslik

            I have also been a Cubase user for more than 7 years now. I use it as my primary DAW for recording, composing and mixing. The MIDI sequencer is invaluable.
            I will definitely check the survey since i got some tips/complaints about Cubase (nothing major :-))

            Nhamiel why did you switch from ProTools to Cubase? I have recently also bought ProTools 12 so that I could be compatible with the rest of the world

            Mike Krowiak

              Hi guys. I'm back in Cubase (7.5) after leaving to learn Pro Tools. I could probably get most mixes done nicely with mostly built-in plugs (I LOVE Magneto 2), but I have to use my 3rd party plugins to justify the purchases... Exaggerating, of course, but I really like the Strip.

              I do miss Pro Tools style automation editing, but there's a macro and a PLE script that solve this--at least for fader volume editing. Look HERE for more on this. Any other solution or workflow ideas are welcome.

              Oh: I went to the Cubase questionnaire and I was greeted with:

              "This Survey has been deactivated by the owner."


              • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Mike Krowiak.
              • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Mike Krowiak.
              Mats Dagerlind

                I am (a Cubase user that is) and have been since the Atari ST days. I use the latest version (8.5 Pro) on the PC platform. I mainly use plugins from UAD, Waves and IK Multimedia, but presently I can't use my UAD Satellite becuase the laptop I,m on doesnt have a FireWire port. I'm considering buying the new Apollo for USB3 though. I used to do my mastering separately in Steinberg Wavelab, and I still use it sometimes, but lately I find myself mastering directly in Cubase most of the time.

                I have no real experience from any other DAW, although I'm presently trying out Harrison Mixbus. I've also considered trying ProTools, mainly because everyone outside Europe seems to be using it, and I guess it has a fair market share over here nowdays as well. But old habits die hard, so I will probably stick to Cubase for the most part also in the future.


                Christopher Feeney

                  I have taken REAPER, Pro Tools, Ableton Live, MixBus/Ardour, Guitar Tracks, Ignite and Studio One for spins. I'm not a pro or power user. I find things about them all interesting. I did just get Cubase Essentials 8 because my producer/instructor ( ) uses Cubase Pro 8.

                  Funny, for years I read really spiteful comments from former Cubase users in other DAW forums. I think it is cool and I "get" its approach and workflow. It is amazing what comes with CB Essential 8. I was mixing tonight with just stock Cubase plug-in and getting close to stuff I was doing with Slate plug-ins in Studio One. I like the mixer in Cubase (like MixBus) as the channel strip is right there with EQ, Compression, Etc.

                  Hey, it's all good. Amazing access to high quality reasonable priced music gear and tech these days. Now to learn how to use it on PLAP!

                  • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Christopher Feeney.
                  Lee Hawkins

                    Nice to see a good number of CB users in the forum. Like some of the comments above I like the Cubase mixer too. Love the top down flow with gain, filters and phase at the top and then down through Gates, EQs, Comps to the fader - I was trained on a console so the signal flow is second nature. Also CB offers so many different customisation possibilities so it is a very versatile DAW. So between Cubase and Studio One I have more than enough tools..

                    Mats Dagerlind

                      When I started out with Cubase 1.0 the competition was Cereator/Notator and it didn't have the project/arrange time-line based window that all other vendors later on adopted, so the choice then was easy. And then I just stayed with Cubase out of habit.

                      There has been periods when Steinberg fell behind the competition but more often they have been ahead at the cutting edge. Presently I think Cubase is as good as any DAW and if you need more there's Nuendo. Only problem can bed compatibility with all the ProTools users, depending on what kind of work you do. For me it's no big deal, since 99% of what I do is recording, mixing and mastering my own stuff. If I were to take on other peoples work, I'd probably would have to invest in ProTools.

                      As I mewntioned in my last post, I'm trying out Harrisson MixBus, partly because it has a very analog studio workflow that is perfect for not too complicated recording and mixing projects. But the reason I got interested is the anlog summing emulation that is supposed to sound less "in the box sterile". I can't say anything for sure yet though and also, Im using the NLS plugins from Waves on all my Cubase projects, which pretty much works the same way, but have more options as you can choose to emulate three different famous high-end desks and not just one and the same channel for every track but a different board channel for each track (up to a point) and then also on the stereo-bus.


                      Lee Hawkins

                        Mats, Harrison Mix bus does sound good. I have the latest version (as its very cheap). Again it appeals to my old school way of thinking by the way it looks, feels and route the audio. I have had some PC configuration issues with running it and not the time to resolve them unfortunately. But like you I'm curious about it. Further investigation is definitely needed.

                        Christopher Feeney

                          Me too on MixBus. Version 2 was solid for me. MB3 was a lot of trouble. I'm waiting for MB3.1. If that gives me trouble, I may just walk away from it. Not time for crashes.


                            Hi, I'm running Cubase Pro 8.5 as my primary DAW.

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