Academy Dashboard Forum Collaboration - Competition Member Collaborations PLAP Production Song 1 - Join in!

  • This topic has 72 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Nathan Kaye.
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  • #4739
    Cris Sabater Sabater

      Hi thedove, that is a pretty good vocal track considering you are ill. Very well done mate. I like it, Lara don't worry about the breaths we can deal with that come the mixing stage, we are just interested in performances and the quality of them at this stage as any edits can be done at a later stage.

      Cheers guys,


      Cris Sabater Sabater

        Of course if anyone wants to do their own vocal take then they are very welcome! Harmony vocal tracks and background tracks could also be something that might fit this song. I have to say the quality of musicianship here is very good, keep it coming guys, you are stars.

        Cheers guys,



          Hi Lara

          I think you should definitely do it - the lyrics sound so much more authentic when you sing it. My attempt is passable at best and you can tell I'm struggling with my cold.

          I comped (cut and pasted) the version I posted from multiple takes and used compression/ vocal processing to even it all out so don't stress about being able to do the whole song in one go - I pretty much did it a verse at a time then assembled it to fit with a few extra "is the wind to blame" 's dropped in

          Were not doing it live ( which is the best fun) so it's all smoke and mirrors - " ignore that man behind the curtain etc etc...."

          Thanks for your kind words !



          Anders Isberg

            Hey guys! Just wanted to throw in a couple of ideas and my two cents about the direction of this project. This is a very rough mix based on what we've got recorded so far. Thank you all for the brilliant work you put into this!




              Hey Anders! That was super fun. Although I'm not so certain that my voice and C's are very compatible as a duet 🙂

              I am glad I heard C's vocals to the track, because now I get why he flowed the lyrics the way he did. Much more useful for music collaborations. The way I would sing it would probably only really be appropriate for simple guitar or piano arrangement, where the lyrics would be first before the song.

              Anyways, that's my opinion. Which suits me better, because I really would rather not be the vocals. Your song was a lot of funness though, and very inspiring.

              Anders Isberg

                I agree that your voices and ways of singing are very different, but to me that's why I think they are an extremely good match. Almost perfectly suited for a duet, because you both bring different qualities to the song. If you don't want to do it, I understand. But in my mind it makes for a very interesting interpretation of this song to have both your voices there, with a much better mix of course. This was thrown together very quickly.

                • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Anders Isberg.
                Cris Sabater Sabater

                  Hi Anders, that is an interesting mix there. It was kind of like the question and answer that happens so much in music. I am sure everyone will have their own opinion on this which is how it should be! But at the end of the two weeks it will be your call mate as you started this production 1. Great to see that people are getting so many ideas and opinions too. Great work by all and I will be adding something too soon. I have downloaded all the tracks so far into my studio so once it is time for me to make that rough mix for everyone at the end I will be in place to do it.

                  Cheers mate,


                  Anders Isberg

                    My mix is by no means ment to be taken too seriously. It was really done to show off a couple of arrangement ideas. This whole production is still very much an open affair. All opinions and contributions are welcome!

                    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Anders Isberg.
                    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Anders Isberg.

                      Anders - you've stolen my brilliant idea !!

                      That's quite a hoot - and I agree about the voices being so far from each other it kind of works. I still think I sound like the "before" in an advert for a cold and flu remedy - but hey I've heard worse singers !

                      Lara - next for you and me is this:






                        OMG C! I can't stop laughing. Alright, I'll try to contribute a version of the song that can be duetted. I'll leave them naked, but strongly advise bandpassing and saturation with some slap. Which is how I usually treat my vocals.

                        Cris Sabater Sabater

                          Hi guys, I have uploaded a new kick drum for the song. this should take you to the link. If you have any problems then let me know.

                          Cheers guys,


                          Arthur Labus

                            Hi everybody !

                            I've uploaded another drum track based on Anders's mix. It is not so different but it sounds differrent.
                            It is still a draft at that stage. There are four versions of the same track with different drum kits.
                            Kit played with HotRods:
                            Same Kit played as usual with drumsticks:
                            and another two different kits:

                            I can upgrade and polish the track if required and upload separate tracks of every instrument as at least close- and room mics version. Kit B have also overheads.

                            What do you think ?


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