Academy Dashboard Forum Collaboration - Competition Member Collaborations Mix/Remix a house track: Emilsson - Night Time Driving

  • This topic has 19 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by stu brown.
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  • #64921
    Frequency Painter

      Hi Stu,

      "Great mix, I love it"


      "The space and clarity you achieved is fantastic"

      I like building these soundstages with several layers. It was an interesting experience to fit all aspects of the production into this mix. Extensive cutting of resonances and conflicting frequencies does pay off in the end. It's kind of strange but it makes the mix relax more in a sense and it puts everything nicely together (clarity).

      "Excellent work on the low end too."

      Thx. What I did was kind of simple. Basically, I saturated (distorted to some extend) all low parts and then made them "dance" and "hum" together through balancing and EQing.

      "Really swinging too"

      I adjusted the timing of some tracks indeed. The arp synth got another groove and the shaker was nudged forwards to blend better with the open hihat.

      "This makes my mix sound like a sausage."

      Your mix is different but it has its merits too. It's very creative and the sound is fitting for this genre. I hear some conflicting frequencies in the low mids/lows and they cause a build-up. The (unnecessary) stacking of these frequencies compromises the loudness potential. You could define this effect as "sausage-like" because you try (need) to fit too much into a certain dynamic range. Imo this is where you loose the definition, clarity and separation. If it interests you, we could check the stems of your mix together and find a solution. This could be very educational for both of us I think 🙂

      My best,

      Magnus Emilsson

        Hey Louis!

        Thanks for the offer, if I decide to do something with these mixes I will let you know and we'll sort out the paperwork then.

        I uploaded Sunday Dubs finally, it is available in its own thread.


        stu brown

          Hey Louis, thanks for the reply and the offer, have re-done the mix a little, cleared out the low end a bit and re-balanced some stuff, think its an improvement. Think I'm done with this one though! Cheers mate.

          Frequency Painter

            Hi Magnus,

            This is really cool, thx man!


            Frequency Painter

              Hi Stu,

              "have re-done the mix a little"

              A little? You've been working on this for hours, admit it ??. The feel is different, it has more space too, which I like. The stereo synth parts really enter the room and envelop the rest. How did you do that? The only thing I feel that would benefit this mix for the better is the level and punch of the main drum/perc instruments. If you could pull them a bit more forwards and add some dynamic definition... At loud levels on full range speakers all is ok, just when speakers don't replicate the low thump anymore, it all looses a bit of directness and definition. It's a choice of course. The beginning is really beautiful and it most definitely sets the mood of the mix. I liked the rawness and spontaneity of the first mix too.

              And now let's do Sunday Dubs ?


              • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Frequency Painter.
              stu brown

                Hey Louis, thanks for having a listen, and thanks for the feedback from you and Magnus, made a definite improvement. Yeah, took me a while to do this I must admit, removing all that bass totally changed the rest of the mix of course, lots of things poking out too much mainly, thought it was gonna be quick and easy but nope. Not sure about the synths, just filters, delays and compression/saturation really, like most of the tracks. Interesting observation re the drums, haven't heard this through anything except my monitors. How's Sunday Dubs coming along?

                Frequency Painter

                  Hi Stu,

                  "How's Sunday Dubs coming along?"

                  Working on it. Initially I had something really groovy, and then suddenly it just fell flat on it's face 🙂 I don't know what happened. I didn't like it anymore, so I started over. I'm doing the finishing touches. I'll post soon. And you, anything brewing in your studio? 🙂


                  stu brown

                    Hey Louis, yeah posted mine yesterday. Really enjoyed doing it but a real challenge. So I know the feeling, I almost gave up on it too. Had about 3 mins of stuff in the middle I really liked but sounded disjointed when the parts were put together. Tried everything to make it work then realised I just had to dump all of it. Shame but was the only solution. Anyway, looking forward to hearing yours, thought this was Magnus' best track yet.

                  Viewing 8 posts - 13 through 20 (of 20 total)
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