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    Uh oh... it's the revised version....

    Member Nominations (Revised Version)

    1. Each month PLAPA members can nominate another member's track for feedback.

    a) They do this by creating a new topic in the 'soon to be created' Member Production Feedback Thread.

    b) They must include the following :
    i) The 'experience level*' of the production in the topic title. There are 3 levels :
    a) Beginner
    b) Intermediate
    c) Advanced
    ii) a link to the original posting
    iii) reasons for their nomination

    *Experiences levels are intended to help encourage Producers of all backgrounds and skill levels to upload productions. First and foremost PLAPA is a safe place to learn. There are no experts!

    2. Other members can then '2nd' the nomination by replying to the topic, stating their reasons why.

    3. At the end of each week the productions with the most nominations get included in Feedback Friday.

    4. Once included in Feedback Friday, the topic for that production is closed by a moderator.


    1. Each member can only nominate one new production per calendar month.

    2. Each member can '2nd' / support as many nominations as they like.

    3. Members can not nominate their own track. Sorry. Deal with it.

    4. Members cannot 'vote down' nominations. Support or nothing.


    1. The number of nominated productions featured in Feedback Friday can vary, depending on time constraints etc.

    2. When nominating a production, members might consider the following* :

    a) Has the production been developed as much as possible by member feedback?

    b) Does the production feature work by more than one PLAPA member?

    c) Has the member responsible for the production already received feedback for one of their productions?

    d) Most importantly, why do they like the production?

    *Members are free to nominate a production, simply because they like it. The guidelines are only suggestions.

    3. Productions seeking nomination are simply posted, as they are now, in the personal mixes thread.


    A moderator will almost certainly be required to oversee the nominations and help members get used to the new system etc. I'm happy to volunteer for this. And not just because I'm a power crazy maniac, but also because after 7 years of teaching I believe wholeheartedly in what Warren is building here.

    ------------ELIGIBLE PRODUCTIONS-----------

    We need to decide if professional productions (for a paying client), are eligible for Feedback.

    I'm inclined to say, that pro productions should be dealt with separately, by Warren setting up a Premium service for feedback. Afterall, his experience as Producer is extremely valuable, if there's a budget for the production, there should be some financial recognition of that value.

    However where you draw the line between pro production, and low budget production, to doing it at cost for a favor to the band, etc... I'm not sure and could be problematic.

    And, of course, Warren may be too busy and/or have no interest in setting up a Premium Feedback service.


    As always, feel free to add, subtract or ignore 😉

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Tobi. Reason: Eligible Productions (after thought)