Academy Dashboard Forum Academy Produce Like A Pro Academy Business Sites Tobisonic Mastering / Tobisonics (Remixer)

  • This topic has 5 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Anita Potter.
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  • #65709

      Hello PLAPA Peeps!

      Missed the live chat. I was causing trouble elsewhere on the Internet. Suggesting Spotify shutdown Playlist Push.

      Mastering Website:

      Remix Website:

      - both done using Wix. Prefer using the full Editor rather than the simplified Tool. I found it easier and more intuitive than WordPress.

      - Mastering Site is more comprehensive with more content - blog, resources, playlists etc. The remix site I knocked up last night in a few hours. I prefer the simpler design for the remix site. Might add a blog, if I have time to write one 😉

      Mike Morrison

        Nice top banner and nice clean site, Tobi!

        The subhead that begins "In a Profesional Listening Environment..." title has a misspelling of "Professional".

        Your showreel sounds great! Any plans to include some before/after mastering samples?

        Dave Merkel

          Tobi - nice sites! Especially your Mastering site. As Mike shared, it's clean and it's easy to read with some great explanations. Your remix tagline "Apparently I remix," is hilarious. Makes me think you prefer mastering, which I think I've picked up from you in recent weeks/months.



            Thanks for the catch on the spelling. Dyslexia strikes again! 😉

            I go back and forth on the idea of 'pre-master' Vs 'master' samples. I get sick of mastering engineers just posting tracks that are waaaay louder. It's a bit of a cheap trick. And negates and real comparison. To really compare, you'd first have to normalize the two tracks to the same level.

            I'll think a little more on it.

            Thanks for the feedback - appreciate it!



              Thanks Dave! Appreciate the kind words!

              - honestly, there are days when I'd happily just supporting Independent Music. Leave the bullsh*t of making music to others. But no one would pay me for that. And I guess I'd miss the creativity.


              Anita Potter

                Hey Tobi! Both your sites are easy to navigate and easy to read. Look forward to seeing how the remix site develops 🙂

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