Academy Dashboard Forum Studio DAWs Studio One This months mix Whiskey

  • This topic has 9 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Simon Brown.
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  • #54994
    Mark Holden

      Hello, This is my first go at mixing here and after watching this weeks mix stream I'm sitting down to tackle the next stages.

      At around 30 mins into the stream Warren talks about reversing his room mics on the Hammond to create width; Now in studio one (I'm assuming this is the same for all of us) the tracks when dragged into the session are separated as left and right on two different tracks, when watching Warren use pro tools he has a stereo track and controls the left and right channels in the track.

      Now to do this in studio one do I get the same affect by simply panning the Left track right and vice versa. Am I missing something here as the sound does change a little but I don't seem to hear that added width, the phase meter doesn't show any difference in width.

      Or is this something Warren has already done at the recording stage?

      Just finding my way round any thoughts are a help.

      Looking forward to getting this first of many mixes done

      Mark Holden

      Magnus Johansson

        I guess the width gained in this example would be quite subtle. Definately more audible in a mono scenario with just a guitar in the left and all reverb in the right. Just a guess but I think Warren thought of that initial idea for this.

        Mark Holden

          Yeah the guitar section with the panned reverb opposite definitely stood out to add width.

          It was the Hammond section I wasn't really hearing a huge difference. I was wondering if it was anything to do with the separate tracks for left and right when dragged into studio one, as the pro tools file Warren is working with seems to be a stereo track.

          I would guess this has little to no effect just two ways of handling the same file, but was curious.

          Thanks for your Thoughts Magnus

          Mark Holden

          Just Lisa

            Hi Mark!
            I saw Warren do this too and because I had already merged the High Hammond parts into a stereo file, I dragged the left and right B3 panners opposite. It really does make a difference in the sound.

            "Merge to Stereo file" ... when you are looking at the file view on the far right, getting ready to drag the tracks into your session, if you right click, you get a menu. One of the options is the merge. It will stick the two tracks together, left is the one on top.
            Caution: in 4.1 this causes a crash. So, I reinstalled 4.0.
            You can also 'split to mono' files on any stereo file now! That was new with 4.0.

            For the B3, because there are three tracks, and I had done it this way on another song, I loaded up the three tracks, panned the left and right, and then bussed the three together. Turn the bus into a folder bus then you don't have to look at the individual tracks again, but you can do fun things with them. I did some EQ on the center track, eg. but then also treat them all like one instrument.

            "Folder Bus" Way cool Studio One feature. Stop me if you've heard this...
            (Actually David Mood did a video about something for Produce Like a Pro where he did this. Don't remember which one off hand.)

            Make a bus. Give it an interesting name like 'B3 Bus' and change its color.
            Make a folder track. Or, select your three B3 tracks and "pack folder"

            On the folder track, under the Mute and Solo buttons, is a box that says "None" with an arrow. Click on that and you will see the bus you just created in a pop up list. Select it and voila! your folder is now a bus. If you haven't started with the 'packed' folder, drag and drop any other track you want into it and off you go!
            : )

            Mark Holden

              Hi Lisa

              That's fantastic help, above and beyond cheers.

              I thought I'd come across merge to stereo just lost track of the where and how (info overload getting started). I'll have to look into these Ver 4 tools as running Artist for now, so may not have all the options. Just installed V4 to get the Fader port V2 running (no option for it in V3).

              Looking forward to all this sinking in

              Thanks again

              Mark Holden


                The folder packing you mentioned with Vocal thickening as the example and its a PLAP file 🙂



                Simon Brown

                  Just a quick note, the "merge to stereo file" crash should have been fixed with the Studio One 4.1.1 release; as far as I can tell it has been.

                  Mark Holden

                    Hello Simon

                    Cheers just tried it and all is well in Studio One 4 Artist as well


                    Magnus Johansson

                      Is the stereofile merge feature simplier in 4? How in short.

                      Simon Brown

                        It isn't simpler. The feature had a bug in version 4.1 which caused the app to crash, which has been fixed in 4.1.1. That's all.

                        • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Simon Brown.
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