Academy Dashboard Forum Studio Gear Talk Slate Digital ML-1 & ML-2

  • This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 3 years ago by Paul Annis.
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  • #83725
    Paul Annis

      Hi, hope everyone is well! So, I used to have my own little home studio with a nice selection of mics (414's, KM184's, pair of 421's etc etc) then life changes and we move on so I sold the lot thinking I'd never be in a position to have a studio set-up again but here I am sitting in my newly converted garage smiling away. I have a handful of mics left for recording my kit (I'm a drummer) and my bands live (SM57, SM58's, Beta 52a, e604's, pair of Sontronics STC-1's, sE1A and a Rode NT1A). I'm looking to do some projects with friends once were aloud to and want the kit so sound better when recorded and I'm looking at the Slate Digital ML-2's( x 7) and a ML-1 thinking if they are as good as people claim that could really give me some great flavours and options for a very modest budget. I use RME FF800 and OctaMic II for all my pre's which to my knowledge are very clean pre amps. I wasn't looking at the ML-1 Pre amp to keep costs down but don't know if thats a foolish view. Overall I've found some mojo again and am enjoying getting back into recording and would like to get the best setup I can for the money, how do these stack up against a Lewitt setup for example. Does anyone out there have experience with the Slate toys?


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