Academy Dashboard Forum Academy Produce Like A Pro Academy Business Sites Sergio Maggi (ZSM Studio) website & social media

  • This topic has 12 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Sergio Maggi.
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  • #65728
    Sergio Maggi


        Italian/English option works really nicely and is a nice touch. Site is easy to navigate. I'd try changing the spacing between the characters/letters in the font editor. The words look a little 'squeezed' together. I think it would be easier to read if the spacing was a little better between the individual letters.


        Sergio Maggi

          Hey Tobi! Thanks! I'll look into it.

          Dave Merkel

            Very cool, Sergio. It's an easy to navigate website, and makes what you do pretty clear. Nice work!

            Sergio Maggi

              thanks so much, Dave!

              Emily Bowie

                Website looks great, Sergio! Translation is a nice and considerate touch. 🙂

                Sergio Maggi

                  Thanks Emily, you're very kind! After listening to Warren in yesterday's "Business Talk", I think I will add a page for my "+ service" (recording drums tracks)

                  Anita Potter

                    Hey Sergio! Website looks really good. I agree with Tobi on the spacing of the letters. Love that logo of yours and yes put up a page for your drumming services 🙂

                    Sergio Maggi

                      Thanks dear Anita! Yes, I'm working on font spacing, but it proves more difficult then I thought: I'm using BLOCS app, it's very quick and easy, you can customize everything, or choose to use the basic setting "on the fly". But it has a limited set of compatible fonts.... but I'll solve it hahaha!

                      The logo... thank you! It has a special meaning to me: it's a drawing of my son when he was six (he's 21 now, oh my...), title: "Dad's drumming" 🙂 . I put a circle around it... and now using it everywhere from my sticks to my snare drum...
                      I'm a very proud dad 😉

                      • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Sergio Maggi.
                      Sergio Maggi

                        Guys, finally I have a page for my "drumming services". Please check it out. 😉
                        All comments and suggestions are welcome!

                        Adrian Lomas

                          Sergio, I just checked out your site on both mobile and PC and everything is easily accessible for me.

                          You've outlined your services well, given a good amount of examples of your work and you've joined-up your links to social media which is, of course, important.

                          Like other PLAPers have said, it's great to have the multi-language aspect to the site.

                          The logo is great (well done to your son all those years ago!) and makes everything very personable from the off.

                          I wish you well with your work,

                          Sergio Maggi

                            Thanks Adrian, you're very kind, and all the best to you too!

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