Academy Dashboard Forum Studio DAWs Logic Mono?

  • This topic has 5 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by face (chris) Janton.
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  • #32400

      Hey PLAPAnauts, I use Logic and I can't seem to figure out how to flip into mono to hear the mix in mono. When I toggle the stereo out (thinking it would go to mono) it splits the stereo out to a right and left channel individually. What am I missing. I also have another little thing that bugs me, every time I open any plug-in I get a generic display, I then have to go to controls and click the edit button to see the plus-in in it's "real life" look. It's a little thing but still bugs me. Anyone know where to go to bypass that first screen and have the plug-is show up first??? Thanks for your help! ๐Ÿ™‚

      • This topic was modified 6 years ago by John.
      Terry Westley

        Yep I have the same kinda issue, to be honest I am not confident itโ€™s flipping to mono, I have played about turning to mono on the Apollo UAD console that seems to work,I can do the same on my focusrite Safire pro, but post has reminded me to try and figure this out.

        And funny enough I do have the same gripe about the plugins, which I cannot answer, but I think they default to this to conserve process power, which is good news, so actually I am going to check out if I have things like low latency activated or something, again sorry I am not being much help but your post has encouraged me to dig a little deeper and figure this out

        Arthur Labus

          At least there are some free plugins for that.
          Panipulator for example.

          Jeff Hollowell -

            Hey there John. If you put the Gain plugin on your master bus (stereo out) there is a mono switch in it. As long as you don't use any of the other functions of the plugin you can just switch back and forth from mono to stereo.



              Thanks guys, that helps, JJ for sure!

              face (chris) Janton

                Logic Preference

                In Preferences select "Display", "Mixer", uncheck "Open in controls view"

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