Academy Dashboard Forum Production Mixing Mono or Stereo OH's

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Arthur Labus.
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  • #56615
    Tal Pipkin

      Good evening from Florida!
      Just got multi-tracks from a client and some of the OH tracks are a single stereo file while others are two mono files.I am just curious if combining the mono OH's into a stereo track will be easier to manage. In previous mix sessions I have always received a single stereo track for OH's. Just want to make the best decision before getting this rolling. Thank you for any advice you may have to offer.

      Arthur Labus

        Hi Tal !
        What we usually get, are two mono tracks, L and R.
        I am panning them and create a group (Reaper DAW) - then i processing all on group channel.
        It should be no difference if you do something like that or use a stereo file.
        You may join the mono tracks into one stereo too.

        Tal Pipkin

          Thank you, Arthur. I have done it different ways but wanted to make sure if there was a "standard" way that most do it. Very grateful for your insight and take care!!
          -Tal Pipkin

          Arthur Labus

            You're welcome.
            To make fellow members feel sure they are not insane is a part of being in the Academy 😉

            Anyway, having two mono tracks makes phase adjustment bit easier.
            But you can still split stero file into two mono if needed.

            Go ahead !

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