Academy Dashboard Forum Production Mixing Is it okay to use pitch correction? (My thoughts)

  • This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 1 year ago by YOVO.
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  • #107326

      Hi all, I made a video essay ruminating on the usage of pitch correction in recorded music. If you are so interested, I'd like to hear your thoughts too.

      The video:

      Basically, my points are that while pitch correction has received its share of reprobation for "fixing bad singers" the truth is that fakery is all over all recorded music, from the usage of compressors to "correct" dynamics, to punch-ins, to overdubs, to editing, etc.

      Pitch correction software allows producers / singers to concentrate on what really matters in a recording: the performance. This can mean the character / personality of the singer, the emotionality, the cadence, etc.

      Also, pitch correction empowers polymaths who must split their talents between multiple domains, which is all the more common these days.

      Finally, the market has spoken clearly: music listeners want celebrities, not technical perfection. To focus on the latter and neglect the former is a grievous error. It is market suicide.


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