Academy Dashboard Forum Studio Gear Talk I need a new interface but need some advice please

  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by Stephen Andreucetti.
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  • #77199
    Stephen Andreucetti

      Hi Plappers,

      I need to upgrade to a new interface. I have been looking at the audient id 44 with asp 800, uad apollo x4 or the rme fireface 802. Uad is not looking to good with the problems it has with win 10 and not much support and expensive plugins. Audient id 44 looks great for the price and sound quality but no midi on it is a bit of down side and the asp 800 has been reported to get very hot which could possibly shorten it's life. Has anyone else had this problem. Rme fireface 802 ticks all the boxes and is reliable and stable but is it as good sounding as the audient?

      The reason I ask is if anyone has these interfaces or has used them what would you recommend. Thanks in advance


      • This topic was modified 4 years ago by Stephen Andreucetti.
      Dan Mason

        Interested in this too. In addition to the ones you've mentioned, I've noticed the Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, the Clarett 8Pre, the PreSonus Studio 192 and 1810c, M-Audio AIR 192 14, Antelope Discrete 4... I know choice is a good thing, but there's a lot of it out there!

        Stephen Andreucetti

          Hi Dan

          There is a ton of stuff out there. I have the focusrite 18i8 1st gen and I have done some good stuff with it but I don't find it very reliable and the a/d converters are not great in my opinion hence why I'm looking for a new interface. Antelope Discrete is also popping up recently on my hit list.  PreSonos and m-audio haven't really researched them but for a budget interface they should be fine. Alot of them have the same a/d converters anyways but some have gone that little bit further. It's all down to what you need to do with it, how many inputs-outputs, how many type of connections for syncing, ad/ converters, how it sounds in stereo and of course reliable drivers and support. Clarett 8Pre is nice though.

          David Matus

            I have a Uad Apollo Twin that I run with with my Apollo 8 Quad and the DSP helps so much with freeing up the computer processing while running plugins. Also I think the preamps sound pretty dang good as well and its so easy to control everything with the Apollo.

            I was also using Logic Pro X which I liked quite a bit but since I am fairly new to recording I decided why not give Luna a try and I have been loving it. The console is so easy to use and going through plugin folders and presets to try stuff and mess around is so easy. It really makes experimenting fun and not tedious.

            I am pretty happy with the Apollo twin and I got in on offer up for extremely cheap I see them from time to time for 4-500 dollars. I was also lucky enough to get my twin with 14 plugins from the previous user.

            Anyways that's my two cents.

            Stephen Andreucetti

              Hey David

              Sorry for late reply. Thanks for input into UAD. Sounds like you have a nice setup on the go. Glad to hear your enjoying it and liking the Luna software. Always good when you can get the pricey stuff at a great deal.

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