Academy Dashboard Forum Production Mixing How to duck the reverb by SCing the vocal on top?

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  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by Kevin Ma.
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  • #75472
    Kevin Ma

      Hi, Warren,

      How are you?

      I'm new to your academy. I watched your video of "5 Quick Reverb Mixing Tricks - Warren Huart: Produce Like A Pro". I really like the trick #5, you use the vocal to compress the long reverb. Your record screen is blur and I can't follow what you actually did.

      Can you explain it to me one more time at your earliest connivence?  I can sing so I'm starting with Vocal mixing.

      Thank you very much.


      Adrian Lomas

        Welcome to the academy, Kevin.

        I believe the technique is: send your dry vocal to an FX channel which has a reverb on it and a compressor placed after the reverb. Activate the compressor's sidechain and send the dry vocal to the compressor too. You can now play with the compressor settings to get the desired effect.

        Best wishes,


        Kevin Ma

          Thanks for your reply, Adrian. I'll give it a try. :):)

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