Academy Dashboard Forum Studio Studio Building / Acoustics Help me to pick the right room for my home studio.

  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by Joey Sabat.
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  • #80580
    Morten Andersen

      Help me to pick the right room for my home studio.
      My current home studio is a lovely room, but very irregular in shape. Maybe it's a good thing, with almost no parallel surfaces, but perhaps that produced a lot of troubles?
      The room is big and I hear a lot of reverb and flutter echo.

      I've placed my speaker in almost all places in the room, but always coming back to what you see in the pictures.
      My main problem with the sound is that every time I crank the speakers up, I hear too much of the room. The bass response is kind of okay. (I think!)

      I've a small room in my house , but with a more regular shape.
      My question for you guys:
      Will the small room be a better solution for my home studio (mix room).
      The bass response would be a problem because of the size of the room, but is it still better, because of its shape?


      The small room:

      Paul Motion

        Hey Morten, not that I have a home studio but I have worked in a few studios and if I had the choice, for mixing I would pick the smaller room and treat it as best you can. You'll likely get some weirdness from the roof area near the door but I think you'll find the lack of echo and room boom much better for mixing purposes.
        For recording the space you're in at the moment looks pretty good though..

        Just my opinion. 🙂


        Morten Andersen

          Hey Paul
          Thanks for your answer.
          Make a lot of sense. For the last two years I've been in the big room and never really like the sound.


          Paul Motion

            No worries Morten.. best of luck!!

            Joey Sabat

              Hey Morten,

              The big room with the high ceilings looks really cool and should give you nice results with proper treatment. Considering the ceilings are quite high, I'm pretty sure that you could get away with less treatment than what is normally needed. On the other hand, I'm afraid the small room is just too small. You could make it work, but it will never be optimal. Remember that you need 50% of the area to be covered in treatment in order to get a somewhat flat response. The bigger the room and higher the ceilings, the more you can drift below 50%.

              It's a nice place you got there!

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