Academy Dashboard Forum Production Production Techniques Advice for IR Capture?

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  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Jason Davenport.
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  • #45833
    Just Lisa

      Hi --
      I thought it would be easy.
      Studio One has a plug in, it should have been really easy to just follow the directions and get a sweep of a very echoey space that I can use in the Open Air plug in native to the DAW.
      Waves has an IR sweep and their Convolution IR1 plug in and directions for use.
      What do I have? Some very noisy files and no clue what to do with them.

      Youtube? No tutorials that are meaningful. Waves sight? Nada. Presonus? Zilch.

      Does anyone bother?

      I wanted to capture some spaces that were going to change forever -- which they did yesterday when the sound baffling system was installed in the ceilings of some very large rooms.
      I was able to set up my mic and record some claps and some sweeps played through the sound systems installed in the rooms before the work started.
      I couldn't get the Presonus set up to record anything at all.

      I'm going back to record some new claps at least so we can AB the improvement (yes, it's definitely better and yes, the cost was worth it). But I'm just a little sad, too, which I didn't expect. (The project was four years overdue.)

      Anyone with experience -- I would really appreciate a chance to learn something about this. How can I salvage what I have? What did I miss about dealing with the noise floor? (70dB room noise with an SPL meter, C weight, slow response.)
      : )

      Jason Davenport

        Hi Lisa,

        I have never tried to capture IR's before, but it looks simple enough. This is the only video I could find in the academy. It pertains to capturing guitar cabinet IR's, but the concept should translate to what you are trying to do. Hope it helps!

        Just Lisa

          Jason, you are a wonderful human being. Thank you. I haven't watched the whole thing yet, but I'm about to. I hadn't thought about learning something from a video about cabs. Duh, right? (I have son named Jason.)
          : )

          Jason Davenport

            Glad to help! Hope your son isn't as wild and crazy as I was in my younger day's 🙂

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