Academy Dashboard Forum Studio DAWs Reaper Fader automation in Reaper using Parameter Modulation (Like Wave's Vocal Rider) Reply To: Fader automation in Reaper using Parameter Modulation (Like Wave's Vocal Rider)

Mark Warner

    Yey!!! Brilliant 😀

    I did not think to look in there to do this 🙂 So I learned something new as well, thanks Arthur 🙂

    I have used this vocal rider now on most of my recent mixes and I have also used it set on "Positive". I print an Instrument only track and then send the signal to the vocal sub and then get it to rise and fall with the loudness of the music. This also works great.

    So now my vocal process is now:
    1. Ride the vocal to boost the lows (negative setting)
    2. Ride the vocal sub to keep all the vocals above the instruments (Positive or Centered setting on side chain - No +2db needed for this)
    3. Dolby A trick to get the sparkle into the vocals
    4. Harmonizer Trick for thickening
    5. Tile Room Reverb
    6. Hall Reverb
    7. Dynamic Delay
    8 Oct down pitch shift for sub harmonics
    9 KanakaMSEncoder chain for Mid/Side Processing and this one has now been made an a saved FX Chain and also the Dynamic Delay thansk to you Arthur 🙂

    I will check out the new Reaper version

    Cheers - Mark

    PS - I used most of these in this track I mixed yesterday.

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Mark Warner.