Academy Dashboard Forum Studio Studio Building / Acoustics Thinking about switching from Apple to Windows Reply To: Thinking about switching from Apple to Windows

Mark Warner

    Hi Simon,
    I am a Windows user and although I have Studio One, I do not use it. Not because it is not good but I just got used to Reaper, so I can only give you a partial insight. I have used Windows 7 for about 4 years and then went to Windows 10 a few months back. I use a Presonus 1818vsl and while under some situations, usually when shutting down the laptop, I would get. USB error and blue screen, I never had a problem using it. Now I am on Windows 10 that issue is resolved and I have had no other issues. All my drivers and VSTs work fine (64 bit). Most people who have told me about their experiences of Studio One say it is very good. I hop this is useful to you. Cheers Mark