Academy Dashboard Forum Academy Announcements Live Q&A 5/18/16 Reply To: Live Q&A 5/18/16

Rich Zei

    When working on mixing a song for an artist when you feel you are getting "on a roll" and your creative juices begin to flow and the track jsut comes together really quickly, how do you channel it to remain focused on the mix at hand? As opposed to going down the proverbial rabbit hole and doing 5-10 "alt mixes" and burning an additional 5-6 hours. Those hours that may not yield any revenue or mixes that will see the light of day?

    On the other side of that coin, how do you motivate when you are just not... 'feeling it' or feeling like mixing on a given day due to fatigue/illness/family issues etc.


    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Rich Zei.
    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Rich Zei.