Academy Dashboard Forum Production Analog Recording Hybrid Mixing Reply To: Hybrid Mixing

John Rosario

    Thanks for replying Magnus.
    "It would help if you could describe how the mixes don't translate? Too much low end, no presence, phase issues."
    There no presence no clarity. The mix is muddy. Too much low end its distorted . The mix doesn't sound like what I mixed in the studio.
    My signal flow

    Orion > Burl B32 mixbus > SSL Fusion (I have a tegeler audio creme on the insert of the SSL Fusion) > Burl ADC > Pro Tools.

    Im using db25 coming out of the orion into the Burl B32. From the Burl B32 to the SSL Fusion Im using XLR cables Left and Right. On the insert on the SSL Fusion to the Tegeler Creme are xlr cables. The outputs of the SSL Fusion to the Burl B2 ADC are XLR cables. The Burl B2 ADC into the interface pro tools Im using a spdif cable. How I connect the the burl dac. I came out of my interface spidf into the Burl b2 dac then out of the dac into Burl Audio B26 Orca - Control Room Monitor. Im also using a external clock to clock everything. The Clock is Black Lion XD MKIII.
    I disable sonarworks when I print the mix. Im monitoring after the Burl dac.

    I wonder if its one of the word clock cables. Or could it be the Spidf cable that come out of the burl b2 adc into my interface that feeds pro tools.
    I also record my mix into pro tools. I dont use the bounce to disk feature into pro tools.
    Thanks again Magnus for response. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I hope I made sense.


    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by John Rosario.
    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by John Rosario.
    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by John Rosario.
    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by John Rosario.