Academy Dashboard Forum Collaboration - Competition Member Collaborations Multitracks for you to mix, my band 20 years ago Reply To: Multitracks for you to mix, my band 20 years ago

Peter Samuelsson


    I did do some edits in the tracks for pocketing, and aslos some tuning of the vocals. I was not really happy with the kick sound, but I mixed the tracks that wren available. I was thinking of replacing/adding some kick and snare samples, but I wanted your opinions on what direction to go. I don't know if you think the overall sound is to live or not, but when you describe the drum sound you want I can imagine it to be very live.

    I was thinking the percussive keyboard sound was a way to get a sprinkler sound, and I featured it this way, but I can understand that it's kind of annoying.

    BTW: Do you know where the intro guitar part that can be heard panned hard right went? I can't find it in any of the files.

    I will see if I can get it to the place were you want it.
