Academy Dashboard Forum Studio DAWs Pro Tools Pro Tools 2019 is available Reply To: Pro Tools 2019 is available

Paul Motion

    Thanks for weighing in with your issues folks. I took the plunge after a bit of research and so far have experienced a couple of minor issues but certainly nothing as bad how you guys seem to have it. So sorry you’ve experiencing these things.
    I’ve had the CPU over run warning a couple of times, even when my usage is no more than 40 or 50%.
    Saving and quitting has given me the beach ball of death a few times as well.

    I haven’t noticed any discernible improvement to resource usage to be honest.

    I updated from PT2018 through the Avid Link software so maybe that helped. I’m also running EUCON, connected to an ancient iPad running the Control app which seems to work quite nicely.

    No plugin compat problems...... yet.

    I’m on a Macbook pro 13” 2017,(?).... one of the new dark grey models, i7 quad core 2.xGhz with 16GB ram. So a decent home/work laptop.

    I haven’t found much on known issues from Avid yet. Would be good if anyone else spots anything to post here as well.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Paul Motion.