Academy Dashboard Forum Studio DAWs Logic Logic Pro X - Keyboard Command of the Day Reply To: Logic Pro X - Keyboard Command of the Day

Guido tum Suden

    Hi Chris,

    That looks interesting.
    Here are my keyboard commands I use all the time, but which I had to set myself because they weren't.
    And sorry, I've got no Logic on this computer so I have to guess the terms.

    CMD-ALT-Shift-1 -> Set snap to bar
    CMD-ALT-Shift-2 -> Set snap to beat
    CMD-ALT-Shift-3 -> Set snap to division
    CMD-ALT-Shift-0 -> Set snap to samples

    While editing I constantly switch between those together with Snap to absolute or relative position and the zero crossing thingy from the same menu.


    BTW If you have questions concerning the Environment (saw on your blog), just ask. I don't use the Environment often anymore, but still have the MIDI-Instrument I use for a Drum Score I like to read.