Academy Dashboard Forum Studio DAWs Studio One Studio One is a Memory Hog! Reply To: Studio One is a Memory Hog!

Magnus Johansson

    My My Sweetest Goodbye .song file is around 5MB. It started with less than 200KB then at some points made some larger leaps. My guess is I did something Melodyne at those points.
    My history folder for that perticular song actually has exploded to close to 1 GB. I have some cleaning to do as well. Shame that "Versions" gets saved to the same directory. and with no clue to wich version it is... just not having autosaved to its filename. Lame solution.
    If you havn´t found it yet, it´s quite easy opening the songs folder from rightclicking the song from StudioOnes start menu.

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Magnus Johansson.
    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Magnus Johansson.