Cris Sabater Sabater

    Just so there is no confusion with uploading tracks I would like to lay down some guidelines for all entries.

    1.Once you are happy with your track or tracks to upload can you please upload to this Forum Member Collaborations.

    2.Can you please include your name and the instrument/s to the track or tracks that you uploaded and to which production you are uploading to.

    3.Cris Sabater will import all uploaded tracks into his studio. Once the Author of the production has chosen which tracks they want in the final arrangement Cris will produce a rough mix of the song prior to the song being offered up to anyone to mix.

    4.Each collaboration will be named by number e.g. Production 1, Production 2 and so on, this is for ease of management for all parties involved.

    5.I have uploaded a Sync Tone here. This should be placed at the beginning of each track before you import into your studio to start your tracking. This will ensure that all tracks are kept in time with each other from all entries to a Production.


    For anyone wishing to mix a song from a BAND/PRODUCTION I will let it be known when a production is ready for mixing after producing a rough mix myself. I will promote this in both this Forum Member Collaborations and also the Mixing Techniques Forum.



    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Cris Sabater Sabater.