Academy Dashboard Forum Production Music Business 2 websites or one Reply To: 2 websites or one

Maurice Beekman

    Hi David,

    That isn't easy to answer as it depends on many factors and how you look at it.

    From a marketing/promotional point of view: Two sites. Because it's easier two start e.g. google addword campains, newsletters, etc. for targeting the correct group of people.

    From a sales point of view: One site. When you tell about your business to your network it's easier to refer to one site in stead of explaining two sites. If you have the two disciplines seperated in two brandnames, two sites would be better. One brand (or using you name) however makes things a lot easier! Like a manufacturer you can have a lot of different products, accessable from one main website.

    From a technical point of view: One site. It's easier to maintain one CMS (WordPress, Drupal, etc.). It's also cheaper to have one site.

    I would say that one site makes your life easier unless you have two brandnames. And from a marketing perspective two sites would be better. But as you learn on PLAPA, it's really hard to earn your place in the music business. Google marketing campaigns won't change that. Warren has a some good video's about this topic.

    Hope this helps a little!
