Academy Dashboard Forum Academy Academy Lesson Suggestions MULTI-BAND COMPRESSION? Reply To: MULTI-BAND COMPRESSION?


    Send your mix bus to a send
    High pass EQ on the send (however much you want the compressor to high pass)
    Change the sends output to (none) so you can't hear it
    Put compressor on your master but sidechained to the send with high pass filter.

    This way your compressor will ignore the low end as it's sidechained to the high passes send, I hope I explained clear enough, I'm writing on iPad again and renowned for jumbling up my words using this thing

    Bit of a hassle but if your compressor has no high pass filter this is the way to do it. But you could probably download a third party compressor with sidechained filter although I believe there is some sort of merit to doing things manually sometimes.

    Edit... ahhh Patrick already got ya covered, I was premature again.

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by JamEZmusic.
    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by JamEZmusic.