Academy Dashboard Forum Production Mixing High-pass filter by default a bad idea? Reply To: High-pass filter by default a bad idea?

Mark Warner

    Hi Tobias,
    I don't always put HP filters on every track but the tracks I don't have HP (Low Cut) filters in the hardware recording chain. For Bass adn Kick I don't HP in the hardware but will low cut carefully to define the regions. I will also use HP LP or band pass filters into reverbs and other FX. Sometimes instead of using a HP filter I will use subtractive filtering to remove low and background noise from microphone tracks. I use what works best for me in a given situation. Hope this helps. ATB Mark

    I just watched the video and I agree with "don't high pass by default". Only do it for a reason and never at a default frequency. Yes I high pass a lot but the frequencies are not fixed they depend on the recording and the instrument.

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Mark Warner.