Academy Dashboard Forum Studio Studio Building / Acoustics Thinking about switching from Apple to Windows Reply To: Thinking about switching from Apple to Windows


    Thanks for the input, not geeking at all! ?
    I've been using Windows + Reaper and not looking back. Every OS and DAW has advantages and disadvantages, but these 2 seem to work great for me.
    Windows has a problem with USB, that's for sure. On the other hand, there's a level of adaptation and customization that I didn't feel like I had when using Mac and especially pro Tools.
    My only issue is now with my interface, an USB Apollo Twin Duo. Not only they just supported thunderbolt in Windows, right after I sold the TB UAD I had in order to buy the USB version (FML), but also it produces some pops and clicks randomly that usually go away by... guess what, changing the USB port.

    Anyway, I'm reasonably happy with my setup. Thanks again for all the info, I'll check it out in case it may hint me in the right direction.

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by simonbest.