Academy Dashboard Forum Production Music Business Oh no! I can't sing! Reply To: Oh no! I can't sing!

Andrew Gordon-Brooks

    Hey Lester,

    Just wanted to share that a year ago my voice was the same, it was the one instrument I'd never learned and just sounded like marbles. I really wanting to start writing songs but it was holding me back. I found a few singers to work with but in my experience it just slowed the process down. YouTube videos seemed to work for lots of people but I just couldn't turn the advice into improvement so last year I took the plunge and hired a local vocal coach. I'm investing 1 hour every two weeks and its really helping demystify the process. For me singing is hard and though I would never call myself good, I know I'm improving and am really enjoying the process.

    Short answer for me: start singing. Find people to help and invest in it like you would any instrument. Learning to sing is the hardest, scariest, most rewarding journey I've been on for long time

    Hope this helps, good luck!