Academy Dashboard Forum Production Mixing Headphone mixing and Waves NX - What do you think Reply To: Headphone mixing and Waves NX - What do you think

Terry Doyle


    I have a pair of calibrated AKG 712 Pro headphones on the way from Sonarworks, to be used with their software.

    A couple of things convinced me to part with my money. Firstly, I think I need a flat sound not a simulated room. I know that listening on headphones separates the sides ... but so many people will listen on headphones anyway, I'd like mymixes to be able to sound good under those conditions.
    Secondly, I really like that they are going to calibrate my actual headphones ... this will not be an average for that model but a real measurement on the specific set they are going to send me.

    I will post back once they arrive and I get a chance to use them.