Academy Dashboard Forum Production Music Business Handing over an unfinished project to a third party? Need your advice! Reply To: Handing over an unfinished project to a third party? Need your advice!

Dave Le Sange

    <p style="text-align: left;">Hey Lasse,</p>
    Sounds like a sticky situation, where you have the potential to get ripped off. Only you can judge if the client may try non-payment on you. Having been in this situation myself, there's a few questions I always ask myself now...

    1. Have you been paid for the work you've done thus far?

    If dudes bill is paid, you can't really refuse the request, other than explaining that you wouldn't be doing your job as producer if you didn't supervise bass tracking.

    If it's not paid & he's insistent, drop him an mp3 with no bass & no FX, take out any ear candy etc. That way if he tries to use it, it'll at least be lacking compared to your work.


    2. Do you trust this client? Simply put, do you think them the type to try to pull a non-payment scam?

    3. Is this argument worth my time? Is the guy, if he doesn't get what wants, gonna blow up my phone constantly? Might they post bad reviews/try to tank my social media's?


    Ive purposely exaggerated a bit for the sake