Academy Dashboard Forum Production Recording Techniques 70´s Rock in a Live one Room Session Reply To: 70´s Rock in a Live one Room Session


    Hi Henning,

    Well, whether or not you are the producer, the band should have their shnizzle together. I mean, the drummer has his sound, the guitarist has its sound, etc. Your job is to capture that sound as authentic as possible.

    I also prefer to record the whole band together as one take. However, if there are certain instruments like brass section, percussion, backings, add lips, etc. you better do this separately. I also don't see the benefits of recording the solo immediately. You can work yourself in a lot of trouble by doing that, but hey, it's your party.

    Some things to think about:

    - If you have the space, set up the drummer on a riser.

    - Record at least drums, bass, guitars, and keyboards together. If you want, you can record a scratch vocal if you have a separate vocal booth or give the singer an SM58 and let him sit next to you in the control room.

    - spend enough time in micing up everything and making headphone mixes.

    - Put the musicians in one room, so that they can give signals to each other.

    - Put the amplifiers and cabinets in another room, so that they don't bleed into the drum mics and room mics. Heck, set them up outside if you need to.

    - Work fast and let the magic happen.

    - Musicians are not machines. Even if you record only 4 takes per song, after 2 hours of intensive playing, many musicians have had it. Spread the recording over more days if necessary. If that's not possible, it's better to record 6 songs very well rather than 10 songs worse.

    - Get the sound that you want right from the source. So, get the guitar- bass- sound that you want out of the cab's. Tune the drums carefully and regularly. If the drummer uses a piccolo snare, tell him that he doesn't get the snare sound of "The Red Hot Chilli Peppers" that he wants. Put new strings on all the guitars, a day or two before the recording.

    - Get the manuals of the keyboards! "Nice sound, but can you mute that delay please?" "Euh... Is that even possible?" : )

    - Get copies of the lyrics!

    - If you want, you can use reference music. Don't try to copy the sound, but try to make it a lot better!

    - Be relaxed! If one song doesn't go very well, just try another song. Never get angry! Talk about something else than music. This takes away the tension.

    - Don't project your aesthetics on the band.

    - Lastly, and most importantly, HAVE FUN!

    Hope this helps.
