Academy Dashboard Forum Studio Studio Building / Acoustics Mixing Headphone Suggestions Reply To: Mixing Headphone Suggestions

Lee Hawkins


    AKG 701's are good but I have since transitioned to the AKG 712Pro's and also the flagship AKG 812Pro's. The 812's are very expensive (and way over your budget) but I would recommend them as they are designed specifically for this type of work, rather than general audio. I also have a pair of Sennhieser HD 650's. For me the AKG's dig much deeper and expose poor mixes better. They image better too. The Sennheiser HD650 are more forgiving. They tend to make everything sound good so I tend to use these for general music listing rather than critical mixing duties.

    AKG701's are a great starting place, although if you can stretch to the 712's, the difference is large. Amazon have great deals too. The 712's are just over your $300 budget..

    AKG 712 - AMAZON

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Lee Hawkins.
    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Lee Hawkins.