Pat McGhen

    Thanks for listening and giving feedback, Todd!

    [quote quote=57508]Hey Pat, thanks for the feedback. A couple suggestions:

    - I'd clean up the intro so that it goes right in and the ending so that it ends cleanly.

    I actually intentionally left that sloppy. A little insight on my decision making: I come from a punk rock background. So, for me, especially in a live setting, energy and emotion are more important than proficiency and what's "right".

    [quote quote=57508]
    - I would play with your spatial location of the instruments. The guitars being so hard panned and pretty dry create a weird vibe because the vocal parts are simply not so close because of how much bleed is going on. I think you need to move them in a bit and move them back.

    Yeah, I agree with you on this one. I brought the guitars in a little and I think it helped. Thanks!

    [quote quote=57508]
    - you could probably use a little saturation on the vocals to bring them up front. If you have any sort of de-noiser (like iZotope RX) and/or multiband expander, you should see if you can get a very dry, clean vocal to emphasize. If not, consider using a soft gate and/or scrubbing the vocal track to be just the vocal part.

    I did scrub the vocal track. I tried running it through iZotope denoise this time around, but I can't really hear much difference. But that could just be me. I'm running the lead vocals through Waves Butch Vig and I got a little more drastic with some of the settings on this version.

    [quote quote=57508]
    - your lead guitar rides are pretty drastic. I might be a little more subtle.

    No rides going on for anything but the vocals. Again, this is by design. I didn't want to even it out too much because I kinda liked the chaos.

    [quote quote=57508]
    - I think the bottom end of the track could use a little more beef. I hear the kick, but don't feel it. Just needs a little more in 50-60?

    Totally agree. I boosted around 55 to give it a little bit more feeling in the kick.

    [quote quote=57508]Good luck!![/quote]

    Thanks! Here's my second attempt.
