Academy Dashboard Forum Production Mixing Gear makes me feel stupid. Reply To: Gear makes me feel stupid.

Simon Brown

    A fair point. What I'm trying to get at is that once you know what the patterns are you can start to work out (usually) what they're meant to be, so if the name ends in 76 it's probably an 1176 emu and if it ends in 2A it's probably an LA-2A emu, and the interfaces are usually reminiscent of the original hardware, so once you've seen the UI of (e.g.) the CLA-2A you can probably spot another LA-2A emu when you see one. It doesn't always follow but if a plugin is trying to trade off the hardware it's emulating, those similarities will often be there.

    I'll try and illustrate my point with a couple of images.

    This is the front of (reissue) LA-2A hardware:

    This is CLA-2A's interface:

    There are differences but the similarities are there.

    I've also had some luck with "what is [plugin name] an emulation of" in google but your mileage may vary. 🙂

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Simon Brown.
    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Simon Brown.