Academy Dashboard Forum Production Mixing Approach to featuring different instruments in the mix using volume automation Reply To: Approach to featuring different instruments in the mix using volume automation

Daniel Ashcom

    Awesome, thanks everyone for sharing your approach. I found some of my automation sounded too obvious and I had to scale it back and other things just weren't enough. It's true what people often say -- trust your ears first.

    This time I wanted to alternate focus somewhat subtly between bass, which had a sort of hook repeated twice at intervals, with lead guitar and I ended up automating volume a bit on both and also automating eq on rhythm guitars to cut out some of the lows/low-mids as to make room for lead guitar and to also help deal with some build-up of frequencies and muddiness at the lower end. I haven't really done much automation before and I'm still working on the track, making my first attempt at mastering, but it seems to be going well if very slowly so far. I'm saving some new signal chains and templates from this though so next time should be a bit faster. Thanks again.

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Daniel Ashcom.
    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Daniel Ashcom.