Academy Dashboard Forum Production Production Techniques An error in "The Circle of Fifths!" Reply To: An error in "The Circle of Fifths!"

Just Lisa

    It has to be a sax, but I'll let the accordion take a solo.
    I had to dig deep for that one... it's not on Youtube.
    Funny about the style though, not a regular in my life, but hearing it reminded me of sitting in the movie theater watching a Pixar film. Its the kind of music that everyone just 'knows' and evokes images and feelings. It's referenced in Monster's Inc, Up and Ratatoullie, e.g.
    Went to see Incredibles 2 last night with the family... Just hand over the Oscar for sound design now. Wow. (Incroyable!) And sit through the whole end credits because the music is so worth it. The movie was fun, too.

    The brush is a good idea. I can live without the smoke.

    : )

    PS: Bossa Dorado, same album, the tune sounds so familiar but I can't place it. Is it a reference to an older standard?

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Just Lisa.