James Gorman

    Pedro - weird you were getting phasing on the drums. The mic setup is definately sub-optimal for cymbals, snare is under the main crash so there's a lot of washy cymbal noise - maybe that's part of what you're hearing? Off the side would be much better, but with only two mics...

    I didn't replace anything (except some edits and swaps for timing and tone). It's all reaper too - would you like my final session to compare to? My chain was:

    - Slate VTM: low bias for distortion
    - bx_console E: 10K low pass; 100hz shelf boost; 1.5K bump; light compression
    - EQP1A: light low bump at 20hz
    - route: drum buss, drum verb, drum crush
    - automation: 6db boost on tom fills (to get the fat bottom cut out of the snare mic)
    - Slate VTM
    - bx_console E: 110hz high pass; 450hz low shelf cut; 1.5k bump; 6.5K shelf boost; light compression
    - ozone vintage limiter: light trim only worst peaks
    - route: drum buss, drum verb, drum crush
    - automation: 1.5db up for bridge; 1db up last chorus; 2db up outro
    Drum Verb:
    - Verbsuite Classics: 714ms room
    - bx_digital: 400-5.5k band pass
    - route: drum buss
    Drum Crush:
    - CLA-2A: all buttons mode, >20dB gain reduction
    - bx_digital : 100hz high pass
    - reacomp: duck original kick and snare hits by 1-3dB
    - E2Deesser: ~2dB max at 6K
    - route: drum buss
    - automation: 8db down outro (that cymbal!)
    Drum Buss:
    - Lindell TE-100: 170hz shelf boost; 40hz high pass; 300hz boost; 1.2-4.8k boost; 6.5K shelf boost + 10K shelf cut
    - Waves API-2500: med knee; med thrust; feed forward; 1:3; 3ms attack, 50ms release; 1-3db reduction
    - Maaq EQ4: 40hz bump; 160hz bump; 650hz cut; 2.5k shelf cut; 20k shelf boost
    - E2Deesser: ~1db at 6K
    - route: master
    - automation: TE-100 high self from 5.5db to 0.5db in outro (that cymbal again!)
    Master (worth noting only because there are bunch of analogue emulations that are effecting transients and highs):
    - Slate Virtual Mixbuss: Brit N
    - SPL Passeq: wide 13k boost, slighter higher on the sides; 140hz cut; 26hz boost, centre only
    - Slate VBC FG-Red: 55% drive; 1:2; med fast attack, auto release; 100hz sidechain hpf; <2db reduction
    - Slate VTM: 15ips, -6bd bass alignement; peak ~2VU
    - Abbey Road Vinyl: desk on; lacquer; AR turntable; mm cartridge; noise, crackle, clicks, phase distortion off; low-med drive