Chris Sweet

    [quote quote=42676]Good work guys. Was gong well Chris, did you finish it? I've put mine in yesterday. Would like to know what you think. https://www.puremix.net/zelab-mixing-contest/zelab-session-27-stephano-petrocca.html?mixId=CQREHO5YAb8SsiqpTnaYtGb3%2BDhJvKqfrlEPhaHcjUQ%3D
    I'll look for yours there and give it a like.[/quote]

    Hey Pedro, yes here was my submission https://www.puremix.net/zelab-mixing-contest/zelab-session-27-stephano-petrocca.html?mixId=fQt5u2CvrvzAOvcbB7fjw1NbIE7QIDoqXvWFGin5XVY%3D

    Listening to yours now. Sounds good man. I might have pulled the lead vocal back just a tad, or maybe pull a little of bit of low/low mid out of it on the verses. It's a little "on top of" of the mix. Small stuff though. Drums and bass sound good. Balance is good overall. This one was tricky to mix for sure. Nice work!