Academy Dashboard Forum Production Production Techniques PLAP BAND/PRODUCTION Reply To: PLAP BAND/PRODUCTION

Cris Sabater Sabater

    To enter any production you will need to upload you track or tracks so that others in the production can import into their own studio. This way everyone can keep up with how the production is going. You will either need to produce a hyperlink directing others to your upload or you can use hubiC which is a french based cloud server that offers 25GB free storage!! The choice is your and we very much look forward to your music and production skills!

    For hubiC

    Here is how it works:

    – Login to HubiC via
    – Then you should see all your ‘folders’ you created on your HubiC account.
    – There should be the production folder you created, too. Don’t open it, stay in the overview mode.
    – If you look at the right side of the production folder row, just below ‘ADD FILES’, you see a strange symbol, like three points interconnected with lines. If you move the mouse over it, it says ‘Publication’. Just click it.
    – The dialogue ‘Share this folder’ opens
    – Then enter the E-Mail address of the person you want to share with, in this case you can use: [email protected] (that’s my account at HubiC)
    – After that you can type a short message and select the duration of the publication.
    – Finally you click the ‘Share’ button at the bottom of the dialogue window.
    – That’s it.

    I will receive an E-Mail then and have access to the folder and all of the content for the number of days you selected.

    If using hubiC you will need to share the email address that you use to sign into hubiC. This is the only way to share on this particular cloud system. This way anyone else involved can download you track/tracks and import into their studio.

    Many thanks,
