Academy Dashboard Forum Production Music Business How do you find work? Reply To: How do you find work?

Cris Sabater Sabater

    Hi guys, I work with and am part of an international band and I help in production and I also do all the mixing and mastering for them. I do this for free as they have no money and we have a Bandcamp website which is pretty cool. I am looking to expand though in the future and perhaps setup a Facebook page and maybe create a website with my portfolio there so people can actually listen to the work I have done and see if they would like me to work on their mixes! As Warren says with the power of the internet these days there is no reason not to use it to it's full potential. There are so many people already doing this and it is a saturated market but he who dares wins as Del Boy used to say! The British contingent will know what I mean! Be positive and don't take any negative comments personally and love what you do! Most of all don't do it for the money!! You will be disappointed so just take it as it comes and try to build it up slowly.



    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Cris Sabater Sabater.