Academy Dashboard Forum Studio Gear Talk Outboard Compressors Reply To: Outboard Compressors

Kaleb Treacy

    Thanks Fezzler, I did hear about swapping the tubes out which was kind of what got me interested in one. They're $670 over here as I've just realised which is starting to make me re-think things. I have an ART XLR Patchbay that I am super impressed with, I know you can't compare it to a compressor but I'd imagine it'd be of the same quality.

    Lee, that's no worries mate. I get ahead of myself and tend to not explain correctly. I have found a Warm WA-76 for $870 so you're getting me pretty keen on one. I hardly have any hardware gear so I apologise if I sound like a beginner in terms of technical specs. What's your go to instrument to use on it? Or do you use it on everything?

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Kaleb Treacy.