Academy Dashboard Forum Studio DAWs Reaper Getting Vocals more "present" in the mix a la Chris Lord-Alge Reply To: Getting Vocals more "present" in the mix a la Chris Lord-Alge

Mark Warner

    Thanks Mange,
    I have just been experimenting with this. The 152 ms predelay does work . I also noted that in the example above I had forgotten to mention that the reverb has an 11ms predelay on top of the 5ms delay setting. I am still finding that adding the 5ms delay before the reverb with either 11ms and 152ms predelay is still widening the stereo field nicely. That may be down to the early reflection but more likely that the 5ms delay between the mono undelayed center signal and the left and right 5ms delayed signals is also putting the vocal out there slightly more as well. I have a very modern pop track to mix next week so will try these techniques on that as I think these suit a more modern sound 🙂 Thanks for the tip. Cheers Mark